Marking Space: A Drawing Research Lab at SKOL Centre
The install is moving!
Selected as Skol Centre des Arts Actuels's summer Skool project, Marking Space: A Drawing Research Lab will investigate issues in contemporary drawing through public-facing workshops, events, and collaborations in Montreal. Composed of 5 artists whose practices engage with drawing in different ways, the 10-week project will be separated into a series of 2 week residencies, one for each participant. Investigating drawing as a performative tool, a medium for mapping, a collaborative action, and a critical form of research, each artist will examine their own approach to drawing, while sharing their findings with each other and the greater community through the Marking Space programming.
Participants include Santiago Tavera, Matthew-Robin Nye, Cameron Forbes, Beth Frey, Tim Messeiller and myself.
Chalkboard grid for Fluxus-inspired drawing games
The reveal
DIY- style show title